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Yakkity Dik Dik

Art Six Coffeehouse

Finally!... My art gets some recognition. Alright, so I suppose it's always gotten recognition, but not from a gallery. They want to sell my art in their gallery! They want to feature it in their grand opening!
There I was walking around the town square with Erica and Kizzy, just taking pictures and trying to remember where all the badass thrift stores are located, when Erica comes across this flyer taped onto a lamp post. She reads it out loud: "Seeking Artists NOW" Well I'm immediately interested of course, and I take the flyer off the post. I have been looking for a place to sell my art for a while now, and this is just the thing! No, I haven't been looking very hard at all. It's pretty difficult to part with one's art. It's like a part of me. It breaks a piece of my heart to know that I'll be giving away my art.. well selling it.. and never seeing it again. But this was just RIGHT THERE so I was really excited. As soon as I got home, I sent them an email. I told them a bit about myself and how I found the flyer, and I sent some pictures of my art. I got an email back less than 2 days later. One of the people in charge, Olivia, said that everyone really liked my art and she would personally love to see it displayed for their grand opening. How bitchin' is that?? She asked for my number so she could get in touch with me soon and we could work some things out.
All you fucks better be at the grand opening.. I know I will!!

Bad presents make me vomit.

I'm an instant star. Just add water and stir.