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This tampon is the closest you'll ever get to a real cooch.

xXo0GreenDay0oXx: ey ey ey buddy
NotThe coolscene: hey i featured our conversation on my website
NotThe coolscene: i thought it was pretty fuckin funny
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: ya i felt like shit
NotThe coolscene: PMS?
NotThe coolscene: did you take a dump or something?
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: nope i felt really fuckin weird
NotThe coolscene: feelin better now?
NotThe coolscene: take some aspirin?
NotThe coolscene: cocaine?
NotThe coolscene: OD?
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: nope i just lisen to brand new and realized its a fuckin awsome cd
NotThe coolscene: oh yeah...
NotThe coolscene: me too
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: ya there new one and now im lisen to the beatles
NotThe coolscene: holy fuckin dick balls
NotThe coolscene: i'm listening to my dog
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: cew
NotThe coolscene: it makes me think of the time you were breathing like a dog
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: so how goes it?
NotThe coolscene: and gallovanted around the parking lot naked
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: dont rmeber that
NotThe coolscene: in canada
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: oh ya
NotThe coolscene: with the crowd of people from the news watching
NotThe coolscene: and taking pictures
NotThe coolscene: and then national enquirer bought the article and sold it overseas
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: yep
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: clearly
NotThe coolscene: so scandinavia banned you from ever visiting their nation
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: then they shrunk my dick in the picture
NotThe coolscene: yeah... no, i don't remember that
NotThe coolscene: i think they enlarged it quite a bit
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: shhhhhhhh dont tell
NotThe coolscene: looked to me like it was trying to eat the innocent bystanders
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: ey so ya figure ou that band yet cause ya even said practicly the band name to but you left ou one word
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: out*
NotThe coolscene: nope i haven't got a clue
NotThe coolscene: i think i never knew the bandname and when i told you what it was, i was being posessed by satan
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: oh ya you eyes where kind of red
NotThe coolscene: i knew it
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: yep so what ya doin tomrow
NotThe coolscene: nothing
NotThe coolscene: man tonight was fun
NotThe coolscene: i need to do something exciting every day before fuckin school starts
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: cew
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: i wanna do that
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: i think im ganna try and master my bate atleast twice in one day
NotThe coolscene: yeah i've done that
NotThe coolscene: it's not that great..
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: well i wanna do it a depart ment store
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: im thinking macys or dillards
NotThe coolscene: i dare you
NotThe coolscene: you don't have the camel's dick to do it
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: you right i have the elephants
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: im ganna do it in those circle racks that you used to hide in as a kid ya know?
NotThe coolscene: i would seriously give you 10 bucks if you did that
NotThe coolscene: that would be fuckin funny
NotThe coolscene: are you on the phone?
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: yep
NotThe coolscene: xXo0GreenDay0oXx: oh ok
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: why?
NotThe coolscene: NotThe coolscene: they weren't fuckin rocks
NotThe coolscene: holy shit
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: oh well
NotThe coolscene: i'm crackin my little ol' self up here
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: why did ya want to know if i was on the phone
NotThe coolscene: juST a QU esT i ON
NotThe coolscene: you know like...
NotThe coolscene: are you wearing socks?
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: oh well no
NotThe coolscene: you didn't have to answer that
NotThe coolscene: i didn't mean it like it came out
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: so how many bands ya got?
NotThe coolscene: i don't know
NotThe coolscene: probably like 32 or something
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: i mean on you full list
NotThe coolscene: EightiesOutcast: they like all of a sudden grew...i don't know what happened
NotThe coolscene: probably like 7
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: 700/
NotThe coolscene: seven
NotThe coolscene: like.. after 6 and before 8
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: oh ya ok
NotThe coolscene: it's not like i'm asking you to take off your pants or anything
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: well the aboons are cold and red
NotThe coolscene: NotThe coolscene: i hate huge tits flopping about everywhere
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: EightiesOutcast: ok, calm down
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: ok im not the one freakin out over kevins dick
NotThe coolscene: huh?
NotThe coolscene: NotThe coolscene: xXo0GreenDay0oXx: ok im not the one freakin out over kevins dick
NotThe coolscene: EightiesOutcast: xXo0GreenDay0oXx: ok im not the one freakin out over kevins dick
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: NotThe coolscene: NotThe coolscene: xXo0GreenDay0oXx: ok im not the one freakin out over kevins dick
NotThe coolscene: oh man.. this reminds me of some good times
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: ya
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: EightiesOutcast: well i'm not either
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: ok
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: sure floppy dick
NotThe coolscene: don't act like you know
NotThe coolscene: EightiesOutcast: and he was freakin out
NotThe coolscene: NotThe coolscene: oh shit!
EightiesOutcast: what
NotThe coolscene: he was freaking out cuz he's (and don't tell him i said this) ... PMSing
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: kevins freakin out now
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: hahahahahaahahahahah
NotThe coolscene: EightiesOutcast: haha ok
NotThe coolscene: you just keep that between you and me... be a good girl
NotThe coolscene: EightiesOutcast: you have it on your website
NotThe coolscene: shhhh... don't tell
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: why the fuck do you always do that fuckin shit
NotThe coolscene: why the fuck do you always do that fuckin shit
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: i thought you where my best friend
NotThe coolscene: i thought you where my best friend
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: ok you just a bitch
NotThe coolscene: ok you just a bitch
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: and your fat
NotThe coolscene: and your fat
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: and im hot
NotThe coolscene: and im hot
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: and you have a six inch penis
NotThe coolscene: and you have an angry inch
NotThe coolscene: error
NotThe coolscene: error
NotThe coolscene: daklvndask/zxn,zm,.vdsmnakldjak
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: niice stealin lines from movies
NotThe coolscene: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/./././
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: so wheres this gay website of yours??
NotThe coolscene: you ask nicely or i'll have to pants you in public
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: hahahah man that was lame
NotThe coolscene: when you're on a date
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: then ill zip you penis up in your zipper
NotThe coolscene: and then maybe i'll spill coke on your crotch and it'll look like you wet yourself
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: then maybe ill shoot a red paintball at your crotch at a funeral so it looks like its your time of the month
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: so whens the party?
NotThe coolscene: it's your time of the month on my website
NotThe coolscene: your mom's party is in my pants
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: ok well will you tell her to come home beacues her baboon is done being cooked and sassy malassy is dead and no crotch can take a purple place under
NotThe coolscene: nope i won't
NotThe coolscene: we're busy
NotThe coolscene: http://desilacita.tripod.com
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: is that your gay website?
NotThe coolscene: hi. my name is kenny and i'm a PMSing little bitch
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: not but seriouly do you have tampons
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: cause hyw do ya thing i went to the bathroom so much cause i had my problems
NotThe coolscene: i only have one left. you can have it when i'm finished with it
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: sweet deal
NotThe coolscene: the best you'll ever get from a female
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: what dose it smeell like hopefully grapes and ass fault and boogers
NotThe coolscene: sorta like cooch

Former Chit Chat - Kenny's PMSing


I'm an instant star. Just add water and stir.