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I hear peroxide will get those red stains right out.

I think maybe my favourite big brother was PMSing or some shit... I think Midol might be a good idea.
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: hey hey
NotThe coolscene: hey what's goin on buddy?
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: you guys are fuckin morons
NotThe coolscene: hey thanks
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: i mean did ya not see the big truck that was under my window
NotThe coolscene: when we were walking back to kayla's car i saw this car full of guys and i yelled PARTY MAN! and they go "what?" and i go YOURE THE PARTY MAN! and asked if i wanted some beer so they stopped and i drank some beer
NotThe coolscene: and i happened to know the guy in the backseat.. not really know him, but my mom and his mom used to be friends like 8 years ago. it was weird
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: okay so its cew for you to do that but me not smoke?
NotThe coolscene: go ahead and smoke if you want to
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: that fuckin stupid
NotThe coolscene: i don't care when people smoke, as long as it's not around me
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: thats*
NotThe coolscene: i didn't give a shit that tweek smoked
NotThe coolscene: i don't give a fuck what people do with their lives
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: i know but you used to give me shit when you found i smoked
NotThe coolscene: wait... didn't you first lie to me though?
NotThe coolscene: cuz i can't fuckin stand being lied to
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: aboot ever smoking weed not smoking cigaretts
NotThe coolscene: but you told me about the cigarettes the same day you told me about the weed and i was still pissed that you lied.. correct me if i'm wrong
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: umm i will cause i remeber saying when i smoked al ways denied smoking weed cause i wish i never had done it but i never denied the cigaretts
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: oh well its al stupid and gay anyways
NotThe coolscene: well i'm sorry if i got mad at you about that. usually i really don't care what people do as long as they don't do their shit around me or push me to do it
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: oh ok
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: but really did ya not see the fuckin truck under my window
NotThe coolscene: no i had no fuckin clue it was there
NotThe coolscene: do you have a problem with me drinking though?
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: i dont really care aboot your drinking but
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: i dont really care aboot your drinking but
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: i was just pissed aboot the truck
NotThe coolscene: sorry kid.. but it didn't do anything to the truck, just made a loud noise
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: and only hit it with a couple rocks
xXo0GreenDay0oXx: i dont feel good im ganna go
NotThe coolscene: they weren't fuckin rocks
NotThe coolscene: they were fruit
NotThe coolscene: you have a good one...

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