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Construction Chronicles
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Eat That Mule Shit

Construction Chronicles

General Safety: Stealing road construction cones and similar could lead to a serious accident later - you could cause a fall or a car crash. Not to mention the 10 years in prison the police could give you. Think first.

August 19, 2004
This is the beginning of a beautiful thing...
It all began when Kayla picked me up for a night on the town, probably around 6. We went to her house so she could eat and maybe figure out something to do. Then it hit me - McKaye's birthday is tomorrow and I have to get her a present! I had no money so I thought of something creative, and that's when my next idea hit me - Get her some free construction items! It was a little too early to do it just then, since the light was still out. After Kizzy finished her meal, a chicken and bean sandwich, we headed on out. The plan: venture to the nearest mansion on the lake to see it in the daylight. We ended up staying for a damn long time, driving down all the dead end streets, taking pictures of the abandoned shed with dirty dolls and an Albertson's shopping cart, talking to the cows, getting stuck on a hill, and so much more. After we were finished with our business, we headed back to Lewisville and finally ended up on Mill St. to retrieve the cone.
Now the real story starts...
We pulled into a church parking lot where a bit of construction was going on, right off of Mill. There were cones a plenty. Before getting out of the car, Kayla gave me some advice I'll never forget: "If anyone asks, tell them we stopped here to eat." I walked over to the nearest VERY LARGE cone and tried to pick it up. Yes, tried, but it was damned heavy and I just wasn't ready for it. Kayla popped the trunk and a car passed so I ducked. I continued ducking everytime a car passed, which was pretty frequently. I carried the cone over to the trunk, but I was having a hard time so Kayla helped me out a bit. We got it half way into the trunk, but we were having a really hard time getting it fully in. We finally got it all the way in, but it was so big the trunk wouldn't close. This is when Kayla gave me some more good advice: "If anyone stops, tell them we're putting our luggage in the trunk." We crammed that shit in there with all our might, but the trunk just wouldn't close. I decided it would be best to take the cone back out, but a car was coming just as I was pulling it out! So I yanked the cone out of the trunk, flung it to the ground, and ducked behind the car as fast as I could. By this time I was laughing uncontrolably. We agreed to disagree and place the cone gently in the backseat of the Kiz Mobile. BAM We were outta that bitch ass parking lot faster than you can say "eat that mule shit."

Don't call the PO-PO!!

I'm an instant star. Just add water and stir.