Guitar Man Punk
This picture right above here was done in tempra paints on the back of a canvas. You can obviously see that it's
my friend Shawn playing guitar in a cemetary off of Mill Street.

The Happy Family
There's a bit of a story behind this, basically it tells the story of the time Tweek spent living with me. I realize
you can't see it that well in the photo, so I'll explain it. It's mostly black, but it also has red, blue, and green acrylic
mixed in there. The picture is of me with my parents when I was about 7. The little slip of paper says "happy family" and
it was done on my type writer. On the bottom it says "2 weeks" in red paint.

Taking out the Trash: DONT LITTER!
This is just a little something I did for my portfolio in AP Drawing class. The photograph I used for this is pasted
in the middle and the drawing itself is done in charcoal.

Feed Ethiopia
Don't forget to feed the little kiddies!! This right here is done in coloured pencils. It was a project in Mrs. Riffle's
Art 2 Drawing class. I like fruit. Watermelon is my fave.