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This is Kathryn Mariani at the lake. She loves the Goonies. She loves ice cream. She loves pizza. She's from New York.
She loves Tiger Army. She has a dog named Shea. The picture isn't blurry, you're drunk.

This is me sitting on my best buddy KIZZY. She's my favourite because she calls me Desilacita and she likes it when I
talk to her in my Cindy voice. I like it when she talks dirty to me.

Tweekles: This is the kid that lived 16 days at my house and likes to eat popcicles.

McKaye... For her birthday I got her a traffic "cone." This is my favourite picture of her and my favourite
picture taken by Taryn so I kinda like it. McKaye enjoys peanut butter and banana sandwiches and she drinks a lot of milk.

This is my fave buddy Skuba Steve. One time he gave me a kick ass Led Zeppelin framed picture, so I'm forever in debt
to him. I introduced him to the flavorful taste of mayo-netchup at the youthful age of 18.